Ealing Prays For Peace

Images from a special service held at one of the sites of recent disturbances

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ActonW3.com, ChiswickW4.com and EalingToday.co.uk

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A multi-faith prayer vigil was held on Ealing Green yesterday (13th August) following Monday's night of violence.

Ministers from local churches led people in quiet meditation at the spot where hundreds of hooligans had caused mass criminal damage.

Candles were lit and tributes paid to 68 year old Richard Bowes who died on Thursday after intervening in the disturbances on Springbridge Road.

Local politicians joined the gathering and heard ministers thank the emergency services, council officers, traders and local residents who have all been involved in getting the town back on its feet.

It's hoped the prayer service will start the process of healing a badly shaken community









14 August 2011