Chiswick Comes Out In Force Against Heathrow Expansion |
Hundreds of residents attend meeting to make their 'no' heard
Chiswick residents came out in force last night (Tuesday 15th January) in support of the campaign against the expansion of Heathrow Airport. Around 800 local people attended the public meeting organized by HACAN at St Michael and All Angels, far more than were originally expected. The huge numbers meant that an alternative venue had to be organised at the last minute meaning the choir, who were practicing in the main body of the church, found themselves being evicted. The meeting was chaired by Mike Russell with speakers including GLA member Angie Bray. Andrew Slaughter MP sent a statement supporting the aims of the meeting and David McLoughlin spoke on behalf of the Brentford & Isleworth Labour Party. Leo Murray of anti-aviation group Plane Stupid argued for a cap on aviation and demanded management by the Government. Prospective Parliamentary candidate Mary McLeod was also in attendance. Speaking of the large numbers of residents present, she said “This in itself was a clear demonstration of how important everyone feels this issue is to their quality of life.” A further public meeting will be held in Hounslow on Tuesday 22 January. According to Hounslow Council, around two thousand residents have already been in contact to say ‘no’ to plans to double the airport’s capacity. The Government is currently conducting a 14-week public consultation and as part of its ‘Say No’ campaign, the council is keen to ensure that local people have every opportunity to register their views. Cllr Barbara Reid, the council’s lead member for aviation, said, “The Government is planning to embark on the biggest ever programme of airport expansion the country had ever seen. It is essential that every single person in the borough who is opposed to these plans makes their voice heard. “It is clear to everyone that expansion will mean more planes, more noise and more pollution. By turning out to the public meeting in force we can send a very clear and simple message to the Government - Hounslow says ‘no’.” The public meeting will be held at the Civic Centre in Hounslow at 7.30pm on Tuesday 22 January 2008. In addition to attending the public meeting there are a number of different ways that people can register their support for the Council’s ‘Say No’ campaign including: • Joining the Council’s Say No Facebook group at
January 16, 2008 |