Labour Constituency Chair Counters Nurses' Claims

Association never shared Chiswick offices with Ann Keen MP

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Following reports earlier this month that a nurses' association was forced to leave the Chiswick offices they shared with Ann Keen MP after a series of 'attacks', Steve Curran, Chair of Labour's Brentford & Isleworth Constituency has responded by stating, "To use an old newspaper adage, never let the facts get in the way of a good story."

He told this website, "The Community and District Nursing Association (CDNA) has never shared offices with Ann Keen MP, they leased offices from the Brentford & Isleworth Constituency Labour Party.

"The brick that was thrown did not go through the office of the CDNA, it damaged the outer pane of glass on a communal door leading to office accommodation shared with our other tenant.

"After advice from the Police and the Fire Service, the CLP instigated a range of security improvements, this included CCTV, fire alarm system and other security measures.

"When the CDNA vacated their offices they did so without taking into account the advice we had been given by the Police and Fire Service nor did they consider the improvements that had made.

"As far as we are aware there were never any direct threats made to CDNA staff."

He continued, "It is a pity that the CDNA did not follow the advice given by the Police and the Fire Service not to publicise these events so as not to encourage copy cat attacks.

"With regard to the two arson attacks, again, this was not Mrs Keen’s office (as she does not have offices there) but the main entrance to the Labour Party’s offices and was not directly linked to our tenants. There is no evidence that links the arson attacks or the vandalism with the expenses issues, this is mere conjecture.”

The Evening Standard reported that the CDNA claimed that the building was subject to two arson attacks and had a brick thrown through the window. The brick had a message attached to it which read, “You are supporters of Ann Keen, you should be ashamed of yourselves.”

The association's chief executive, Anne Duffy, was quoted as saying, “Due to three recent attacks on premises CDNA were renting it has been necessary to relocate to protect our staff from violence. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our members for their support and patience through this difficult time.”

The CDNA had four full-time staff working at the office. They have now moved to Wimbledon. Lee Attwood told Nursing Standard magazine, “We did not know if someone was waiting for us outside the office. We had no alternative but to move.”

There have been no arrests in connection with the incidents.


December 8, 2009