"Frustrated & Determined To Continue To Fight"

Jim Madden reports back on the Thames Tunnel public meeting organised by Zac Goldsmith

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The meeting organised by Zac Goldsmith MP was attended by more than 100 residents of Putney and Barnes with Putney residents outnumbering the Barnes residents three to two.  Originally scheduled to last an hour proceedings were drawn to a close after nearly two hours of presentations and questioning from the audience which became quite raucous at times
Many Barnes residents who were concerned about access and the vehicular road traffic generated by the work felt that they were not given an opportunity to speak.
The presentations were led by Richard Aylard and Phil Stride from Thames Water, with assistance from John Ramage the Tunneling Engineer
Thames Water were quizzed about alternative sites to Barn Elms and their rationale for these being discounted, but the audience were unconvinced and no explanation was given as to why the Hammersmith Pumping Station, a brownfield site, could not host the Main Shaft site currently planned for Barn Elms.
Thames Water assured the meeting that 98% of the spoil and construction material would arrive and depart by barge.
On the subject of noise and light, the meeting was informed that the drilling would take 30 months during which time the work would continue 24 hours per day, seven days a week and for the remainder of the time work would be for 10 hours per day.  Mr Ramage stated that an insulated shroud could be constructed around the noisy machinery to prevent disturbance to neighbours
Most of the attendees left the meeting frustrated and determined to continue the fight

September 10, 2010